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By Greg Garner
Our body is a highly sophisticated machine, and like any other item of construction, it is made up of a series of different components and parts. Whilst we can rattle off the different parts of the body, along with the category they fall into such as organs, tissue, bone etc. the simple truth of the matter is that they are all united by a single factor in common.
They are all made up of cells. With that in mind, imagine cells of the body as being the bricks of the various parts of the body, be it the hair, the heart, the toenails, the penis, the organs. Just as bricks are made of clay, the cells of the body no matter where they are situated are made up of proteins.
Indeed, protein plays a crucial role in our overall wellbeing and health, as it provides us with a sizeable amount of energy, around 10-15% of the energy that we need and consume, will be typically derived from protein sources.
However, protein is not simply a means of providing the body with energy, as that is the purpose of carbohydrates. Rather, proteins are required because they are fairly large molecules which themselves are made up by a very special and important type of building block and this is the amino acid.
You see, there are a number of amino acids that the body requires for essential processes such as brain functionality, the production of hormones around the body, along with the repair of damaged tissue and cells. However, because the body is unable to actually create these amino acids by itself, this means that it has to rely upon the person actually ingesting them in their diet. The following is a breakdown of some pertinent facts about protein you should be aware of.
Excessive Protein Consumption Is Dangerous
Whilst protein plays a crucial role in our body, it is important to be aware that we have to regulate the amount that we consume, as well as the source of the protein that we ingest. Excessive protein consumption will force the body to then attempt to convert the surplus into a usable energy source.
If that should fail, the remainder will then be stored as fat deposits around the body and ultimately, if this basic safety measure fails to achieve decent results, then the body will then attempt to excrete it through the bladder.
One of the symptoms of excess protein consumption is the development of kidney stones which will require surgical intervention to remove them. Furthermore, there is also the possibility of renal failure as a result of the urea in the urine reaching toxic and dangerous levels.
Plant Based Protein Is Healthier
Animal based protein (protein derived from meat) whilst useful for the body, is somewhat marred by virtue of the inclusion of saturated, trans-fats in them as well which cause a myriad of health problems such as heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke. Deriving your protein from vegetables and nuts is the best idea then.
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