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Breast Enhancement Gets You The New Look
Amelia Aitken
Every woman loves to have beautiful breasts as they represent their femininity. But many women are not satisfied with their breast because of being asymmetrical, small in size, lost volume after pregnancy or breast-feeding , if someone has lost one or both breasts to cancer. They should not feel sad as they can undergo cosmetic surgery to augment or reduction surgery. One should have a proper idea about breast surgery before going for it.
Breast augmentation is also known as augmentation mammaplasty. It is a surgery which helps you to restore your breasts to full volume which was lost after pregnancy or weight reduction and make it look firmer.
What are breast implants?
Breast implants are prosthetic shells that are used for the enlargement of the breasts. It is either made up of silicone or saline shells which are filled up with saline solution and silicone gel. There are various types of implants that are used today.
Saline breast implants: Saline implants are filled with saline solution, usually at the time of surgery. Saline implants have been criticized for feeling hard or unnatural, but improved surgical techniques like placing the implant behind the chest muscle and slightly overfilling it serves to give the complaints a rest. They are available to women aged 18 and older for breast augmentation; or women of any age for breast reconstruction.
Silicone breast implants: Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel. It is a thick, sticky fluid. Some women feel that silicone breast implants look and feel more like natural breast tissue. They are available to women aged 22 and older for breast augmentation; or women of any age for breast reconstruction.
Risks involved:
Both silicone and saline implants carry similar risks, such as breast pain, infection, potentially, implant leakage or rupture, scar that distorts the shape of the breast implant, and need for an additional breast surgery.
Breast enlargement
A breast enlargement, or otherwise known as breast augmentation or boob job , very simply adds volume to the breast, making them larger and rounder with the addition of modern breast implants. Breast enlargement is still the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure.
During the breast enlargement surgery an implant is placed (preferably silicone implants) behind the natural breast tissue or under the chest muscle beneath the breast along the natural crease of the breast in the armpit to make the breasts look larger.
The procedure is ideal for:
Flat-chest women.
Females who want a curvier look.
Women who have lost volume of their breasts through breast feeding, weight loss, pregnancy or ageing.
Women with asymmetrical breasts.
1. It will help to increase self-esteem. 2. It will help to increase their femininity.3.It will help them to gain proportionate breasts. 4. Improved shape of the breasts.
Breast implants is suitable for healthy women over the age of 18 years, who wish to reform the size of their breast. Those who want to act on their appearance and seek a long term solution to enhance their breasts are good/ ideal candidate for cosmetic surgery.
Breast augmentation
male breast reduction
surgery is quiet popular among women and men now a days. It will help you to gain back your lost self-esteem. This will also help you to restore the volume of your breasts. If you want to know more about breast augmentation you can visit our website at www.perfectbreast.co.uk .
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